Worship Ministry

Pastor Lauren Godfrey

Lauren Godfrey has been trained in both music and the Word of God since she was a child. Her testimony of the faithfulness of a loving God is the basis of her heart to reveal this same God to those who are broken and forgotten. Lauren ministers out of a passion to see our Lord lifted high, the Bride of Christ released into the presence of her Groom, and the Kingdom of God advanced.

Worship In Focus

Worship music holds a unique and profound place within the body of Christ, playing a crucial role in empowering and uniting believers. Powerful displays of worship can unite the body of Christ together under one voice. Worship connects the emotions, devotions, and the praise of the congregation towards God.

First and foremost, worship music fosters a deep and intimate connection between individuals and their Creator. Through lyrics that express adoration, gratitude, and awe, believers are reminded of God’s love, grace, and faithfulness. This spiritual intimacy leads to empowerment, as individuals are reminded of their identity as beloved children of God. The melodies and harmonies in worship songs create an atmosphere of reverence and awe, allowing worshippers to set aside the distractions of the world and focus their hearts and minds on God’s presence.

Worship music has a unifying power within the body of Christ. It brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life to collectively worship the same God.

Worship music has the ability to speak to the deepest parts of the human soul. Worship brings hope, healing, and redemption, into the struggles and triumphs of everyday life. As believers choose to let go of their needs and focus on Jesus, they find encouragement, and empowerment. Worship songs often include declarations of faith and victory, inspiring the body of Christ to overcome obstacles and live out their faith boldly.

In conclusion, worship music is a powerful tool that empowers the body of Christ in multiple ways. It fosters intimacy with God, promotes unity within the body of Christ, and speaks to the deepest needs and aspirations of human existence. As believers gather to worship through music, they are not only uplifted spiritually but also equipped to live out their faith with courage, conviction, and authority. Worship music can penetrate areas of the mind, body, and soul that people tend to keep shut; allowing the praise and worship to bypass places in heart, leading the individuals to the heart of God.